I write and produce documentaries about music, culture and politics. If you're interested in learning more about upcoming projects, do get in touch.

MUTE THE ALGORITHM is a series of animated short films (8 x 5-10min eps), produced with Oscar shortlisted production company Kapwa, that takes you on a journey to find the beating pulse of music being created in the least explored, most under-represented corners of the globe.
Through 8 personal stories of creation against the odds - from artists you’ve never heard of, but will never forget - you’ll discover the tales behind the most exciting music on the planet, just outside your frame of reference.
Think: a thrilling motorbike journey through the Sahara to find a mysterious nomadic keyboard player; music born from tragedy in the serene coast of northern Japan; the afrofuturistic sounds bringing hope to post-Apartheid South Africa; and what it means for an exiled Venezuelan to make music about their conflict stricken home.
We’ll explore the intersections between global cultures, history and musical traditions through the lives and creative processes of each country’s most talented artists, revealing the tales behind the world's most exciting new music.
Disconnected Channel
As Britain leaves the European Union in 2020, Europeans who have made the UK their home, and British citizens who have made their lives on the continent, feel more disconnected than ever. This project aims to change that.
Over the course of 2020, we’re going to be documenting everything that Brits in the EU and EU citizens in the UK are going through to highlight the effects of Brexit on the people who, in reality, stand with the most to lose from it.
By taking the focus away from the macro mechanics of Westminster and Brussels, these frank, candid accounts of how Brexit has actually affected people’s lives and livelihoods will form the basis of a documentary to be filmed in 2020.
Get in touch with us at if you want to learn more or get invoved
Microcosmos de Barcelona: Desamparats
This documentary series will feature 6 diverse art studios, all found on one small, historic street in the centre of Barcelona, Carrer de la Mare de Déu dels Desemparats.
The studios – who create everything from music to metal sculptures, and artisan jewelry to ceramics for Gaudi’s iconic buildings – function as a microcosm of Barcelona’s art scene as a whole.
They represent the history and artistic fecundity of the city, working in the same space as the old factory – Fabrica Vapour Nou. They are keeping Barcelona’s creative heritage alive while creating art that is vibrant and new.
Through this series, we will discover the many and varied stories of the creators, the diversity of the things they create and their relationship with Barcelona as a whole. It is an exciting, behind closed doors look at the profoundly diverse art being made in one small street in the city, capturing Barcelona’s creative, bohemian aesthetic.